Tag Archives: Stone


He stopped. He cautiously looked around and picked up 3 stones. After successfully throwing the first two stones, he found it a surprise that the third one came bouncing back again.

Strange Day in July

The stone skimmed across the water; it was the perfect stone for the job, smooth and flat, and I was right in thinking it would go far. But it didn’t stop there. It came back and flipped over, and there, written in blood, was the word RUN. Of course I was petrified, and I ran into the cafe next to the lake, but it was deserted. Then I heard a noise. It was like the sounds of the aliens on TV programmes, just like it, and for a moment I thought they were real, but I said out loud no, they aren’t real. Those were my last words.


The day everything changed…

Sun shone down onto the soft sand and beads of sweat rolled down the cheeks of a young boy. The day grew shorter and shorter as the sun grew weary and slowly sunk into the horizon. A strange girl appeared in the shadows giggling as the boy tried with all his might to skim the smooth pebbles along the rough surface of the never ending sea. Anger filled his body, like a pot bubbling over and not giving it a second thought he threw with all his might, but the third stone came skipping back…

Strange day in July…

His jaw dropped as if he had seen a ghost. No, but that wasn’t the case. “Stones,” he thought, ” Do not come back to you when you skim them.” What was this? Why would such a normal day in July cause them such a stir? And why was this happening?


Harris Burdick

Harris Burdick

A Strange Day in July: He threw with all his might, but the third stone came skipping back.