Safe Blogging

Safe Blogging

We want you to have fun and enjoy using the class blog.  Here are a few rules about keeping yourself safe when blogging:

1. Use only your first name and class in your blog. Never give out personal details such as your address or phone number.

2.  Be respectful of others. Use polite words and positive language when posting a comment. Never use rude or bad language or post negative comments.

3. Ask an adult first before posting pictures of yourself or other people in the school.

4. All posts and comments will be moderated and checked before they are posted on the blog.

5. Remember to use your best spelling.  We don’t want to use text speak on our blog.

6. Finally think about what you would like to say, write it in draft first, on paper if you like.  The blog will be able to be seen by the world and will probably be there for a very long time.

Have fun and enjoy posting on our class blog.

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